The internet is a great place to find information, recommendations, and resources for just about any topic you can think of. However, among the research-backed articles and suggestions, there also exists, in equal measure, unfounded truths and misleading information. So how do you parse through it all to find truly helpful advice?
Knowing how to determine if a source is reputable is a good start. Is it a government agency? Are facts and recommendations supported by science and research? Is the information current? Who is the author and are they an authority on the subject matter?
Knowing what red flags are in research is also a good idea. For example, does the write up use ‘absolute’ type language such as never/always? Does it read like the author is trying to sell you a product? Who funded the research and would they benefit from only reporting on positive findings? How outdated is the information?
Being able to trust a source is important. So, to help take the guesswork out of doing it on your own, here are some recommended resources to provide you with additional information on some common topics that come through our office doors.
- CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a reputable website for information. Here you can view fact sheets, webinars, and get information regarding support and advocacy.
- Child Mind Institute is an independent non-profit and has a scientific research council to advise effective clinical care and provide useful information to empower families. It has a great parents guide to ADHD that covers a wide range of topics.
- Anxiety Canada (formerly Anxiety BC) is full of information, resources, strategies, and videos to help you understand anxiety in children, youth, and in adults. Anxiety plans and tools (such as MindShift) are available for free and can be helpful in managing anxiety.
- BC Children’s Hospital Kelty Mental Health resource center also has useful information and resources. There is also “find help” tab that has a great list of support services including crisis and non-emergency help lines.
- Although the website references American specific statistics, Health Match is a good general overview and guide to anxiety disorders.
- A great write up for teens with depression created by the government of BC can be found here: Note it is an automatic download and not a website page.
- Bounceback is a free skill-building program to help manage low mood. You will access tools to help with mental wellness. Free online coaching is available, as are various useful materials. Note a referral is required to participate, your family doctor (or a doctor at a walk-in clinic if you do not have a family doctor) is able to provide this to you.
Learning Disabilities:
- The Learning Disabilities Association of BC is a great hub of recommendations and information. From everything about advocacy, to tutoring, to app suggestions the LDABC is a wealth of great resources.
- Dyslexia Canada is a useful website to help understand the IEP process, has a fantastic list of book recommendations, and also has videos to help better understand dyslexia as well as testimonials from celebrities (some famous well known actors included!).